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Ngobrol in english...

i suggest u to take simmulation test first.
its hard and a long way journey to avhieve band 7. and im sure i cant even achieve that.
all i know ielts class is very intense, you could study from 6 to 6 for 6 months.
theres a lot of english course offers ielts program esp in pare kampung inggris.
Just share my took for 9 month to get IELTS band 7 overall when I learn english for academic purpose at IALF Denpasar some years ago. my english was very bad at that time and should spend more time to study and practice than my peers (who mostly fresh graduated and have better english skills)...for those who want to learn english, especially for academic purpose, this is a simple sugestion, improving listening and reading as passive skills at firt before moving to writing and speaking as active skills...using various apps powered by AI to help you increase your english skill is highly recomended....however, my speaking skills is not improving so much until now that why try to looking for suhu² here who have the same interest like me..
thats true, ielts is not only about test and how to answer it but really its a basic skill such as listening and speaking.
i remember there was a chart to determine your speaking skill.
back again if its speaking, be confident first and put grammar on the last :D
There is a free ielts test (it's legit, because EF made it)
But it might not be recognized by our goverment because it's only web based btw
It's only on reading and writing tho

Here is the link :
Hiii Fellazz....if we are serious create a group to share ideas or just have fun coversation outside this beloved forum and thread, as TS, I proposed a draft of rules /T&C for that upcoming group

"Proposed Terms and Conditions

Members should:
1. Communicate in English that can be understood by other members (if a member doesn't understand a certain sentence/phrase/word, they can ask for clarification).
2. Share their own views/opinions/ideas and/or respond to the views/opinions/ideas of other group members with understandable arguments while maintaining respect for others.
3. Maintain the privacy and anonymity of fellow members. If members know each other in real life, they should keep each other's true identities and personal matters confidential.
4. If a member is personally interested in another member, they should approach them through private communication channels.

Members are prohibited from:
1. Sharing views/ideas that are sensitive and related to ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations (SARA).
2. Responding in an offensive manner that could cause conflict with other members.
3. Promoting specific products, whether goods or services, for financial gain.
4. Spreading false information and hoaxes (in the form of videos, images, or news links) from unverifiable sources.
5. Sharing sensitive photos of themselves or others within the group."

you all are welcomed to discuss about the draft above and fell free give some sugestion that ensure all rules are created to make sure that group is the safe place for all member to share what is in their beautiful mind...
hello, glad to see you guys...

i am not good at english, but i am happy talking in english coversation. hopely this forum can improve my skill and make friends.... :semangat:
Hiii Fellazz....if we are serious create a group to share ideas or just have fun coversation outside this beloved forum and thread, as TS, I proposed a draft of rules /T&C for that upcoming group

"Proposed Terms and Conditions

Members should:
1. Communicate in English that can be understood by other members (if a member doesn't understand a certain sentence/phrase/word, they can ask for clarification).
2. Share their own views/opinions/ideas and/or respond to the views/opinions/ideas of other group members with understandable arguments while maintaining respect for others.
3. Maintain the privacy and anonymity of fellow members. If members know each other in real life, they should keep each other's true identities and personal matters confidential.
4. If a member is personally interested in another member, they should approach them through private communication channels.

Members are prohibited from:
1. Sharing views/ideas that are sensitive and related to ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations (SARA).
2. Responding in an offensive manner that could cause conflict with other members.
3. Promoting specific products, whether goods or services, for financial gain.
4. Spreading false information and hoaxes (in the form of videos, images, or news links) from unverifiable sources.
5. Sharing sensitive photos of themselves or others within the group."

you all are welcomed to discuss about the draft above and fell free give some sugestion that ensure all rules are created to make sure that group is the safe place for all member to share what is in their beautiful mind...
I just want to make a suggestion for an addition to point number 1 in the prohibition section, which is that members are prohibited from discussing politics, Especially politics in Indonesia 😂🤣
I just want to make a suggestion for an addition to point number 1 in the prohibition section, which is that members are prohibited from discussing politics, Especially politics in Indonesia 😂🤣
Sooo dirrrrttyyyy 😆😆😆
There is a free ielts test (it's legit, because EF made it)
But it might not be recognized by our goverment because it's only web based btw
It's only on reading and writing tho

Here is the link :
Thank you suhu for this info, it is really helpful....
hello, glad to see you guys...

i am not good at english, but i am happy talking in english coversation. hopely this forum can improve my skill and make friends.... :semangat:
Nice to see you suhu...Noone have perfect english here unless he/she is native speaker hu, so feel free joining here and make good contributions while improving your english...
I just want to make a suggestion for an addition to point number 1 in the prohibition section, which is that members are prohibited from discussing politics, Especially politics in Indonesia 😂🤣
members can discuss anything including politics as long as not mention sensitive things related to SARA....
simce pilpres already passed, then i assume its safe to say "IM IN"

wikipedia group would be usefu since it has a lot of feature and when it comes to politic (and govt. policy), i hope we could share how to survive this country.

happy wednesday all (iykwim)
simce pilpres already passed, then i assume its safe to say "IM IN"

wikipedia group would be usefu since it has a lot of feature and when it comes to politic (and govt. policy), i hope we could share how to survive this country.

happy wednesday all (iykwim)
politics for how to satisfy and be satisfied in bed seems more interesting than political games in this country (unless you are a politician who is struggling to gain power)..hahaahhaha...
politics for how to satisfy and be satisfied in bed seems more interesting than political games in this country (unless you are a politician who is struggling to gain power)..hahaahhaha...
of course. its the same politic since it requires lobby, approval, mutual agreement and most importantly, both side gain the goals
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