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Ngobrol in english...

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A website that we can use to make a room chat/call/video for free (no need download)

I have make one, wanna join?
Thanks a lot for your correction, please correction me more if i wrong againt, i hope we can have contac wikipedia and we can send voice note to
"Thanks a lot for your correction, please correct me more if i make mistake again, i hope we can keep in contact via wikipedia and we can exchange voice note", cmiiw

Im still learning too, I could be wrong, probably there are other people who knows better than me

Unfortunately i dont have wikipedia contact, but we still can chat here in this forum ✌️
Loootttssss of Indonesian people know and superb in English but when in comes to speak with a foreigner they are shutting down automatically... So to learn to have the guts to speak is a different kind a situation.. That's okay if some calls me "sok Western" Or what ever creative's their rights 😊😊
Hehe i think thats me too, i dont get a chance to meet foreigner alot, & when i do i only able to say just a few words
I dont think so if someone say "sok western" i think comunication with english language is importen, need experint to, in this forum i feel good if not just "sex" topic, but we can build skill too, ( always correct me, if im wrong everbody, please )
"I don't think so if someone says "sok western" I think communication in English is important, it needs experience, in this forum I feel happy if it's not just the topic of "sex", but we can build skills too, (please correct me if I'm wrong)", cmiiw too ✌️
I dont understand, what do you mind with looking partner, but i need friend for partner upgrade my skill speak up, better if female because man always interest with woman, good motivation for me
"I don't understand what is meant by looking for a partner, but I need a friend to improve my speaking skills, it's better if it's a girl because guys are always interested in girls, good motivation for me" cmiiw too ✌️
Thankyouu huu.. 🥰

Yeeessss... That's why i (some here i guess.. ) wait for TS creates a group or any kind of ideas so we can talk each other 😁

Yes yess absolutely agree.. When it's comes to speak.. I just flunk straight to bottom... 😩
This thread is more alive now....making a group of people who want to speak to each other is a really a good you guys have any ideas which apps we can use to create a grup for speaking together??
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