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Ngobrol in english...

so tell us, as a reciever. what food or drinks should us, men, consume to generate a pleasing taste, will you?
As in my experience, i've tasted salty cum, coz my ex husband was eating looots of red meat (we try to make a baby boy back then), and the saltiness with that cum texture.. Was so baaad...
Buttt... One day I've tried another cum of my ex partner, he eats lots of veggies and fruits, it taste bearable.. There's a slightly sweet but still.. I don't like the gooey texture kinda thing.. It's hard to swallow..
Enuff with the dirty talk..
As in my experience, i've tasted salty cum, coz my ex husband was eating looots of red meat (we try to make a baby boy back then), and the saltiness with that cum texture.. Was so baaad...
Buttt... One day I've tried another cum of my ex partner, he eats lots of veggies and fruits, it taste bearable.. There's a slightly sweet but still.. I don't like the gooey texture kinda thing.. It's hard to swallow..
Enuff with the dirty talk..
it was nice insight but i dont think its a dirty talk, more like messy talk?
As in my experience, i've tasted salty cum, coz my ex husband was eating looots of red meat (we try to make a baby boy back then), and the saltiness with that cum texture.. Was so baaad...
Buttt... One day I've tried another cum of my ex partner, he eats lots of veggies and fruits, it taste bearable.. There's a slightly sweet but still.. I don't like the gooey texture kinda thing.. It's hard to swallow..
Enuff with the dirty talk..
what an experiences of you miss lovely @BabyDee..just courius does woman cement has tasted as man?
Ada gak ya suhu suhu di forum ini terutama female member yg seneng ngobrol dlm bahasa inggris?....hamba pengen banget punya temen ngobrol dlm bahasa inggris biar skil enggres hamba ga tumpul....syg bgt udah belajar capek² tp jarang dipake.....
We can learn together if u want
hiii, happy weekend. no weekend quiz for now but i want to share something related to english.

so ive met several person from different country and region (no SARA intended), and this is my experience communicate with them (not in general because i met partivular person) :
1. Polish (From Poland) : their english little bit rigid, sometimes we ended up communicate with hand gesture. lol.
2. Japanese : years ago i work with Japanese and one time he keep saying "Watchma, Watchma", few mins after he said that i finally understand that it was "Watchmen". sigh.
3. India : well, this one has strong accent and to be honest i ask for them to repeat what they re saying because i just lost with their accent. sorry.

i met several expat but these 3 experience actually funny to recall sometimes.

so i think, us, Indon, shouldnt be feeling inferior when talking in english. Look at how we sing English songs, we can sing it perfectly and dont forget that we actually born polyglot (we can speak multiple Bahasa Daerah).
Just be confident and dont forget the basic of english is actually vocabbokepbulary and pronounpornociation.

so tell me your experience, luvs.
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hiii, happy weekend. no weekend quiz for now but i want to share something related to english.

so ive met several person from different country and region (no SARA intended), and this is my experience communicate with them (not in general because i met partivular person) :
1. Polish (From Poland) : their english little bit rigid, sometimes we ended up communicate with hand gesture. lol.
2. Japanese : years ago i work with Japanese and one time he keep saying "Watchma, Watchma", few mins after he said that i finally understand that it was "Watchmen". sigh.
3. India : well, this one has strong accent and to be honest i ask for them to repeat what they re saying because i just lost with their accent. sorry.

i met several expat but these 3 experience actually funny to recall sometimes.

so i think, us, Indon, shouldnt be feeling inferior when talking in english. Look at how we sing English songs, we can sing it perfectly and dont forget that we actually born polyglot (we can speak multiple Bahasa Daerah).
Just be confident and dont forget the basic of english is actually vocabbokepbulary and pronounpornociation.

so tell me your experience, luvs.
Me too having problems with India accents, i have met a British man, i still can understand him, but those India accents are on another level of difficulty 😅😅

I had one experience, i once live with my nephew that had just learned English, his mother tongue is Dutch, i live with him about a month, and in a month i teach him to speak English and bahasa, so he can speak 3 language even if its just basics.. And i get to learn a few words of Dutch spraken 😅😅
Me too having problems with India accents, i have met a British man, i still can understand him, but those India accents are on another level of difficulty 😅😅

I had one experience, i once live with my nephew that had just learned English, his mother tongue is Dutch, i live with him about a month, and in a month i teach him to speak English and bahasa, so he can speak 3 language even if its just basics.. And i get to learn a few words of Dutch spraken 😅😅
indian/sg/my was british colony namely commonwealth country, so their english much more better than indonesia, despite their accent.

based on my experience, it is -still- hardly to catch up with wales/scottish accent, due to their weird or unfamiliar accent
hiii, happy weekend. no weekend quiz for now but i want to share something related to english.

so ive met several person from different country and region (no SARA intended), and this is my experience communicate with them (not in general because i met partivular person) :
1. Polish (From Poland) : their english little bit rigid, sometimes we ended up communicate with hand gesture. lol.
2. Japanese : years ago i work with Japanese and one time he keep saying "Watchma, Watchma", few mins after he said that i finally understand that it was "Watchmen". sigh.
3. India : well, this one has strong accent and to be honest i ask for them to repeat what they re saying because i just lost with their accent. sorry.

i met several expat but these 3 experience actually funny to recall sometimes.

so i think, us, Indon, shouldnt be feeling inferior when talking in english. Look at how we sing English songs, we can sing it perfectly and dont forget that we actually born polyglot (we can speak multiple Bahasa Daerah).
Just be confident and dont forget the basic of english is actually vocabbokepbulary and pronounpornociation.

so tell me your experience, luvs.
just name/call/say indonesian, instead of indon though
indian/sg/my was british colony namely commonwealth country, so their english much more better than indonesia, despite their accent.

based on my experience, it is -still- hardly to catch up with wales/scottish accent, due to their weird or unfamiliar accent
Maybe with all accents, English can be learned, one thing that i cannot bare to handle is when someone talk like a rap God.. English or bahasa.. I mean.. He nor she is not Eminem.. And no one chasing them.. Slow down..🥲🥲😅😅
I've read an article, Indon was used to mocking our nation.. Is that correct? Does anyone have read that somewhere?
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