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Ngobrol in english...

I've read an article, Indon was used to mocking our nation.. Is that correct? Does anyone have read that somewhere?
more likely our mostly uneducated people of serumpun name it to simplify such afgan (for afgani), but in fact it is a mocked..

however keep smile or laugh 😊😁
it was mockery from 2000s, mostly by malaysian. but it was commonly used before that.
thx chatgpt, TIL.
See.. Coz i remembered that we, Indonesian are angry bout this issue.. But somehow i don't know why.. Lately, Indonesian using that weird nickname.. Hehehe
See.. Coz i remembered that we, Indonesian are angry bout this issue.. But somehow i don't know why.. Lately, Indonesian using that weird nickname.. Hehehe
it has to be completely written as Indonesian since Indo refers to India, unfortunately.
if indonesian using it maybe its an act of self-mockery.
Good morning everyone,
Don't forget to exercise on the weekend (don't just exercise in bed with your partner ;))

The healthier your body, the happier you are.. :beer:
is this step-sis caught my browser history momment..
no waaay
No wayyy of course.. I don't have brother issues.. I'm more of a "daddy's girl" Kind a thing hahahahahaa... Okay this is way of hand.. We are forgetting the purpose of this thread 😂😂😂
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