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Ngobrol in english...

hi guys. sorry to just jump in like this hehe

so...anything yet on the English club? or are we just gonna use this thread as a makeshift club in TS' absence?
No news, maybe he still busy..
I guess it's okay to use this thread tho.. Hehehe
Hi suhu suhu semprot, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving comments on my thread. I'm really sorry for my absence from this beloved forum, especially from this thread, due to some real-life matters. The idea of an English club in the forum is great, let's make it happen! At the very least, we can talks about "lendir" things while improving our foreign language skills, which will be useful in our real lives...
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Been a while since I last posted here and honestly, I kinda forgot that I have posted here and that this sub even exist😞
This thread might not discuss topics related to sexuality, so maybe not many are interested in commenting, but it seems to be getting more lively. Thanks for stopping by this thread suhu...
I live in SG so I mostly talk in English. I’m practicing Mandarin too. Only speak bahasa with other Indonesian
What if you would like to chat here more often in English in a non-formal style and make this forum more lively?
Ini seru deh kayanya, kalo misal kita buat call rame² gitu, tapi harus pake bahasa inggris doang. Lumayan tuhh latihan speaking tipis² juga :beer:
this is a great idea. It would be better if it was actually realized....
Hi guys, can you give me advice to learn about speaking in english language? I can little bit for listen and writing, but for speaking I'm confused.
Me too....still strugle talking in english eventhough have been overseas for almost 2 years...
Maybe I'm not the right person for u to ask.. Hope TS will shows up to make this idea come true, i truly need some people to practice my English so it's not rusty
I am here suhu....I am sorry for my long absence in my own thread....
I dont expect understand grammar for now , its very too difficult for me. Because too many words, I dont know meaning in English 🤣
Just practicing withou too much thinking about grammar and maybe as the time goes by, your grammar will improve...
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