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Ngobrol in english...

Not me.. Batangs misses you 😂 thank u Mrs. Vy 🥰🥰
okay then.. Waiting for the invitation to a group then.. Hopefully there's some FM would join too
We'll see how much suhus that interested on that idea...if more than 4 people then we can make that happen...the suggestion about the group's rule will be determine latter (FM concern relating to the rule will be really considered)...
@apekatelo : I have been in our neighbour country on southern hemisphere for almost 2 years. However, living as a student make me rarely go to anywhere freely as I live in campus' apartement and spent most of my time in library and doing research...hahaahhaha
Bahasa is language, so i suggest u use "bahasa indonesia" instead of just "bahasa" ✌️
But often, I've meet people use "bahasa" as in bahasa Indonesia.. Native nor Indonesian
We'll see how much suhus that interested on that idea...if more than 4 people then we can make that happen...the suggestion about the group's rule will be determine latter (FM concern relating to the rule will be really considered)...
Aye aye sir 😄
I think FM will be spicy things up in that will be so boring if all member is just batangers...hahaha
It's a good point, just make sure there are rules to make FM feel secure when/if they're join your thread
Respect for each other is a must regardles their gender...we can talk anything that sparks our interest in that group but not to insult or bully others....hopefully we all have a good friendsip based on our simillarity of interest....1000 friends is still less and 1 enemy is too much....
Respect for each other is a must regardles their gender...we can talk anything that sparks our interest in that group but not to insult or bully others....hopefully we all have a good friendsip based on our simillarity of interest....1000 friends is still less and 1 enemy is to much....
Yassss. ...
Anybody wake up for German vs Scotland? ⚽
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We'll see how much suhus that interested on that idea...if more than 4 people then we can make that happen...the suggestion about the group's rule will be determine latter (FM concern relating to the rule will be really considered)...
Latter / later ? ✌️
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