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Ngobrol in english...

I'll try my best
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Hi guys, can you give me advice to learn about speaking in english language? I can little bit for listen and writing, but for speaking I'm confused.
Ini seru deh kayanya, kalo misal kita buat call rame² gitu, tapi harus pake bahasa inggris doang. Lumayan tuhh latihan speaking tipis² juga :beer:
Morning... Random act here cause by insomnia, why don't you ask permission from TS and suggest make a group, tele maybe, but English only no bahasa
Wow nice idea, invite me plz
Maybe I'm not the right person for u to ask.. Hope TS will shows up to make this idea come true, i truly need some people to practice my English so it's not rusty
Yes, I know to hope from TS.
I realized the importance of English too late. I was getting too old and my career was stuck. So, I also needed to be practiced by someone who would patiently teach me from zero.
Yes, I know to hope from TS.
I realized the importance of English too late. I was getting too old and my career was stuck. So, I also needed to be practiced by someone who would patiently teach me from zero.
If it comes to speaking I'd be glad to practice with u but i flunk in grammar.. I just hate those regulations 😅😅😅..
Never too late for anything tho..
I dont expect understand grammar for now , its very too difficult for me. Because too many words, I dont know meaning in English 🤣
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