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Ngobrol in english...

Wew this is comparing between bule and local 👍😋
hahahahaha...not really a comparison but merely more on having different experience and sensation when making love either with bule or bude...
Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak for all suhu here who celebrating it....May this Eid-Ul-Adha bring you joy, prosperity, and countless blessings. Aamiin....
Many woman are simillar with you too...hihihihi
Some men told me that most of the women they've sleep together are less expressive so they're having difficulty reading the gesture of their women, are their service good enuff to them
Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak for all suhu here who celebrating it....May this Eid-Ul-Adha bring you joy, prosperity, and countless blessings. Aamiin....
Aamiin 💕💕
Some men told me that most of the women they've sleep together are less expressive so they're having difficulty reading the gesture of their women, are their service good enuff to them

Aamiin 💕💕
Indeed...some women are less expressive for some reason, maybe because of their mental block, moral standard relating to sexuality or trauma...however, as you said before, good cumunication is a key to understanding more about each other...
Indeed...some women are less expressive for some reason, maybe because of their mental block, moral standard relating to sexuality or trauma...however, as you said before, good cumunication is a key to understanding more about each other...
Hahaha good cummunication huh...
Therfore, we should try the blasteran rite ?
But the obstacle is they're picky eater 🤣
Make sure you are the choosen one are a hunter....if you can't catch them, doing something to make them come to you ( pelet is not recommended)....hahahahah
I also have the same opinion as you. But my reason is because "the size of mine" is only able to deal with indonesian taste 🤭😁

I see...maybe someday, there is a bule who crave on you for your skills and duration rather than your "wand"...hahahahah

But once ive heard a bule woman say she prefers a mans bule wand rather than locals 1 ✌️
Good 4u then, fun facts bout communications during sex.. Sometimes it's aroused me🤣 ...
Like.. "Is it good hun? ", "yes that's the spot.." hahaha okay..too much information...
Once i did it 2 a woman, & it make her embarrassed
Good 4u then, fun facts bout communications during sex.. Sometimes it's aroused me🤣 ...
Like.. "Is it good hun? ", "yes that's the spot.." hahaha okay..too much information...
& oh, i dont think its 2 much info, so we men would kno how 2 treat u girls better, just my 2 cents imho ✌️
Terakhir diubah:
But once ive heard a bule woman say she prefers a mans bule wand rather than locals 1 ✌️
Maybe what she said was just her personal preference and it is not represent entire bule's preference...hihihihi
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