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Ngobrol in english...

Some men told me that most of the women they've sleep together are less expressive so they're having difficulty reading the gesture of their women, are their service good enuff to them
Ah yes, i think ure rite, sumtimes they do, well almost most of d times 😁✌️
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Maybe what she said was just her personal preference and it is not represent entire bule's preference...hihihihi
I dont kno, cause not many bule woman said they like our wand, instead, they only mention bout our exotic skin color, so does d bule men 2, they only mention bout our exotic skin ✌️
Hello everybody, can i join this conversation, my english not verry well, please correct me if i'm wrong, i hope i can learn
Hello everybody, can i join this conversation, my english not verry well, please correct me if i'm wrong, i hope i can learn
Hii suhu, you are welcome joining this conversation here...hopefully, you can share some good insight, news or tips for other members here..
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