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Ngobrol in english...

instead of switch your wand, it's better making yours more magical by learn some advance techniques involving your tongue, finger and lips....hihihihi....
Wait, r we still talkin bour wizard of oz ?
Wut kind of wand r we talkin bout now ?
I think im lost ....
My goodness, smells some SSI right here..

Keep goin' lads! 😂
Do you want to try? Who knows, someday you might want a "bule" woman in your life.

When I was a teenager, I loved watching "Dawson's Creek" and I dreamed of having "K4ti3 H0lm35. 😁
Do you want to try? Who knows, someday you might want a "bule" woman in your life.

When I was a teenager, I loved watching "Dawson's Creek" and I dreamed of having "K4ti3 H0lm35. 😁
I used to have the similar dream and after having that dream, I realized that the "taste" of indonesian woman is much better than bule woman...hihihihihi...
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