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Ngobrol in english...

This is our animal instinct dear....if we are not hungry, our species will be extinct...hihihihi
Hahaha nah.. I think I'll skip this theme of discussion.. About who save whom hahahah so messed up
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Are you know manado city sir ? Or you are have some family in here , sir if my english wrong please correct me , im feel my english very bad , i need more help to this
"Do you know the city of Manado, sir? Or you have family here sir if my english is wrong please correct me i feel my english is very bad i need more help for this"
Cmiiw ✌️

I never been there and have no family in that city...just one thing about manado is its women tend to "wet" easily when they are get touch...hihihihi...your english is good as you are not a native speaker...I also still learn and need more practice with suhuΒ² here...BabyDee and Mrs_Vy will help the "bengal boys" like us...hahahahha
I kno a girl she said shes Manadonese, i dont remember she gets wet easily, tho heard they do, but she looks like she has a hi lust, it shows from her reaction dat always wanna b satisfied, tho she never asked ....

"Bengal boys" from india, / like cats ?
/ "naughty boys" ? 🀭
I kno a girl she said shes Manadonese, i dont remember she gets wet easily, tho heard they do, but she looks like she has a hi lust, it shows from her reaction dat always wanna b satisfied, tho she never asked ....

"Bengal boys" from india, / like cats ?
/ "naughty boys" ? 🀭
Heyyyy it's not an abbreviation to leaves one or two letters πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
Know not kno.. What it kno.. It can be knot, or Knorr or knock.. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Bengal that TS mention is Indonesian word,

If it comes to "becek" Things, you cannot generate 1 women to another, i guess it's hormonal situation.. Buttttttt i don't know..
Yes i m 🀭
Even if i type in indo i usually use abbreviation alot 😁

Heyyyy it's not an abbreviation to leaves one or two letters πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
Know not kno.. What it kno.. It can be knot, or Knorr or knock.. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Bengal that TS mention is Indonesian word,

If it comes to "becek" Things, you cannot generate 1 women to another, i guess it's hormonal situation.. Buttttttt i don't know..
Im talkin bout when i type in indo, i use abbreviation alot, for example ; "tgl dmn ?, d jkt, pake bhs apa ?, lg d jgj" .... πŸ˜‘
I read a guys comment in youtube type kno(w)
& wut do u mean by "what it kno" ? Do u mean "what is kno" ?
Yes, i kno bengal ts meant was in indo, im just jokin ....

"generate 1 women to another" = "menghasilkan 1 wanita ke wanita lainnya" ?
/ do u mean "generalize 1 woman to another" ? & oh, women is plural form of woman, 1 woman, some / alot of women
i dont generalize them, im just tellin my story / experience wit a manadonese !
I think wut BBC_lokal said sounds like a generalization, y u accused me instead of him ? Tho i dont accuse him bout it, cause ive heard a lot of people said d same as he said, tho maybe not all of them like dat ....

I never been there and have no family in that city...just one thing about manado is its women tend to "wet" easily when they are get touch...hihihihi...your english is good as you are not a native speaker...I also still learn and need more practice with suhuΒ² here...BabyDee and Mrs_Vy will help the "bengal boys" like us...hahahahha
Im talkin bout when i type in indo, i use abbreviation alot, for example ; "tgl dmn ?, d jkt, pake bhs apa ?, lg d jgj" .... πŸ˜‘
I read a guys comment in youtube type kno(w)
& wut do u mean by "what it kno" ? Do u mean "what is kno" ?
Yes, i kno bengal ts meant was in indo, im just jokin ....

"generate 1 women to another" = "menghasilkan 1 wanita ke wanita lainnya" ?
/ do u mean "generalize 1 women to another"
i dont generalize them, im just tellin my story / experience wit a manadonese !
I think wut BBC_lokal said sounds like a generalization, y u accused me instead of him ? Tho i dont accuse him bout it, cause ive heard a lot of people said d same as he said ....
I'm sorry.. 😡😡😡😡 what i understand is only these two from your text..
Yes i meant generalized
No i don't accuse you or anybody anything
Not every people know every slang word or abbreviations..
For example, i use "dat" For "that" Because its pronounced the same...but...
Ahh.. whatever... Just use every words you comfort with.. People have a choice either..
Im talkin bout when i type in indo, i use abbreviation alot, for example ; "tgl dmn ?, d jkt, pake bhs apa ?, lg d jgj" .... πŸ˜‘
I read a guys comment in youtube type kno(w)
& wut do u mean by "what it kno" ? Do u mean "what is kno" ?
Yes, i kno bengal ts meant was in indo, im just jokin ....

"generate 1 women to another" = "menghasilkan 1 wanita ke wanita lainnya" ?
/ do u mean "generalize 1 woman to another" ? & oh, women is plural form of woman, 1 woman, some / alot of women
i dont generalize them, im just tellin my story / experience wit a manadonese !
I think wut BBC_lokal said sounds like a generalization, y u accused me instead of him ? Tho i dont accuse him bout it, cause ive heard a lot of people said d same as he said, tho maybe not all of them like dat ....
Just my personal opinion...communicating in foreign languages will be fun if all parties have the same understanding to what they are talking will be confusing if one party using words or phrases which ambigous in meaning and the other party should interpret it...using complete words and phrases will be helpfull as these can help everyone understand fully what we are trying to say....speaking with our own style using incomplete perhaps more suitable if we speak just to ourselves....
Wow just knew that in this forum we have this kind of thread hehe.. kudos for TS
Wow just knew that in this forum we have this kind of thread hehe.. kudos for TS
Hai kakak...lets join and have some fun with another suhu can share anything we can learn to be more "skillfull"...hihihihi
Hai kakak...lets join and have some fun with another suhu can share anything we can learn to be more "skillfull"...hihihihi
Im not that kind of person who like to show off hehe.. just ask me i would very happy to help to upgrade your "skill" hehe
I'm sorry.. 😡😡😡😡 what i understand is only these two from your text..
Yes i meant generalized
No i don't accuse you or anybody anything
Not every people know every slang word or abbreviations..
For example, i use "dat" For "that" Because its pronounced the same...but...
Ahh.. whatever... Just use every words you comfort with.. People have a choice either..
Sorry, i understand alot of people dont like being generalized
Also, i think topic related to ethnicity / race is indeed sensitive, so i hope every1 can b wise enough bout it
I myself sorry if I ever said sumthin / anythin wrong or offended you guys βœŒοΈπŸ™
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