Understood, i think part of this are my faults too, ill try to use complete words and phrases so it might not confuse anyone anymoreJust my personal opinion...communicating in foreign languages will be fun if all parties have the same understanding to what they are talking about...it will be confusing if one party using words or phrases which ambigous in meaning and the other party should interpret it...using complete words and phrases will be helpfull as these can help everyone understand fully what we are trying to say....speaking with our own style using incomplete perhaps more suitable if we speak just to ourselves....
Happy to know that fellas...we can learn anything from you if we understand fully what you say to us...hihihihiUndertood, i think part of this are my faults too, ill try to use complete words and phrases so it might not confuse anyone anymore
Sorry for the racket guys
Sorry BabyDee
Yesss.. Sure, with you ya kak, soon!You should definitely meet up with the TS dee![]()
If show off means that i am learning to be more fluent in English and not to go blunt as a knife, then you can say that I'm showing off..Im not that kind of person who like to show off hehe.. just ask me i would very happy to help to upgrade your "skill" hehe
Sorry too if my words a bit harsh.. Sometimes we read others text with different intonation in our head.. No harm no foul yaaUndertood, i think part of this are my faults too, ill try to use complete words and phrases so it might not confuse anyone anymore
Sorry for the racket guys
Sorry BabyDee
Loootttssss of Indonesian people know and superb in English but when in comes to speak with a foreigner they are shutting down automatically... So to learn to have the guts to speak is a different kind a situation.. That's okay if some calls me "sok Western" Or what ever creative nicknames..it's their rightsjust do it do not hesitate ... #speakup #truelanguage
Love too, but too bad there's too much distances between usYesss.. Sure, with you ya kak, soon!
Maybe universe helps us meet, we never know kaakkLove too, bad too bad there's too much distances between us.
Hai suhu....nice to meet you too..lets have some fun heredamn, i didn't know such thread exist in this forum
hi everyone, nice to meet you all!
Sorry too if i have bad temper & short fuseSorry too if my words a bit harsh.. Sometimes we read others text with different intonation in our head.. No harm no foul yaa![]()
Hii miss dee, nice to know u too, meybe we can countinue this discustion in private chat if you interest,Hai sir, nice to know u
(Not so important info) i always wanted a Timor bf so he can call me hasian
But never meet any Timor man..
Thanks a lot for your correction, please correction me more if i wrong againt, i hope we can have contac wikipedia and we can send voice note to"Do you know the city of Manado, sir? Or you have family here sir if my english is wrong please correct me i feel my english is very bad i need more help for this"
Are u looking for partner?Hii miss dee, nice to know u too, meybe we can countinue this discustion in private chat if you interest,
I dont think so if someone say "sok western" i think comunication with english language is importen, need experint to, in this forum i feel good if not just "sex" topic, but we can build skill too, ( always correct me, if im wrong everbody, please )Loootttssss of Indonesian people know and superb in English but when in comes to speak with a foreigner they are shutting down automatically... So to learn to have the guts to speak is a different kind a situation.. That's okay if some calls me "sok Western" Or what ever creative nicknames..it's their rights![]()
Join what? A threesome?
Boom!!!!!Join what? A threesome?